Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Having To Dress For Dinner & Oasis

Feet 1

It all started with a foot.
Can I give this key to the last 30 days.

start with order. Back from London with Pina and Frengo, after 4-5 days, we went to explore the Park of Caffarella. I knew that from the heart of the city started a green arrow that was spreading throughout the hinterland ordered, the Appia Antica Park, but I was always put off by the lack means (in fact for some time was established Archeobus).
Leaving Piazza Zama and enter nelParco Caffarella. Patter so for haulage and clearings up to the temple of the god Redicolo that the name had to be a real funny guy and I found very fascinating. Adjacent is a house that was in its archaeological layers less shelter for the shepherds on a donkey, with a knife in a belt under his arm and a caciotta roamed these parts. That time: the essence curd (in the sense of cheese stench) of the bandit hick. Come back
insist to find an alternative route. We end up so close to the real Via Appia, the Roman road, the road of roads, the backbone of Italy and still needs less maintenance than the Salerno-Reggio Calabria. In just 500 meters we found ourselves in front of the entrance to the catacombs of San Callisto, the tomb of Priscilla and the feet.

As the feet? Yes, I said that this was the key, right?
Anyway it's famous foot, rather illustrious. Feet. Indeed, Pedes Dei, in the sense that it is the Lord of slices immortalized in the church of Quo Vadis. A point I would be interesting to compare them with those left on the Mount of Olives on Ascension Day and see if it matches at least the number (but certainly there are others scattered here and there; ps: leave footprints in the sky to fly was also a habit of Mohammed and Buddha and who knows who else).
Going forward a final curiosity: we discovered that the Gruppo Storico Romano opened a school for gladiators, so if you do not know the difference between a retiarius secutor and do not miss some hacks to know.
Regarding the Appia Antica Park we had never been, and what little we saw after we set out to return as soon as possible (no, that race of hot, better a little farther).

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