Monday, January 21, 2008

John Cryer Pay Per Episode

.... the place, district, history, people ...

who lives in Modena think that the area adjacent to the park Amendola is one of the quietest and serve the city '; who lives in the area there is sure!
a neighborhood that was born in the 60s and 70s, driven expansion dall'inurbamento of those years, often built houses in his spare time, from construction workers on Sunday and children laborers, who arrived from the countryside attracted by Modena lure of a city 'on a human scale and friendly.
E 'only natural that today the children of those pioneers bricklayers' and children's children, love this neighborhood, the feel and live with serenity' s enthusiasm and knowledge of who has deep roots, who appreciate the comfort 'to the center and all the amenities you are born around, and it' just natural that we know almost everything, that people walking the streets you greetings .............. ..


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