Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ocean Sunfish Diagram


Hello everyone, see you tonight in piadineria and there is news to tell: the bike polo is played with a lot of fun even though it goes without forcing occulatezza actions. It increases the qualities of balance, always helpful. It should be played in at least 6, and then we fin d 'availability for Sunday 11 hours in the afternoon. Around and then you go around for those who love mountain biking, there is a tour organized by the hills of Bologna on Sunday bicipiĆ¹ of Clairvaux 12, details on the website http / / bicipiĆ¹.freeweb.org. There 's intention to hold a photo contest, we talk about it, could also be interesting to open a market of 'used on accessories and quant' other in terms of bikes, and MANGIALONGA? does anyone remember what it was? See you soon and nice ride


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