Sunday, September 20, 2009

Arthritis Wax Machine

E-CITY Digital Landscapes: digital networks and cities of the future

ABSTRACT - U n'indagine articulated on innovations made available by new technologies and significant changes in town planning and urban models of the future. The project for the city and the region is going through a transition phase for the advent of new technologies and the resulting "digital revolution", Information and Communication, which now pervade all spheres of social life, also induce substantial changes to each level of activity, not least the urban functions and human relations. E-city, describes these changes in three parts: e-Network, development of digital networks and processes of land transformation, and-planning, planning tools and their innovations related to ICT development, e-City, cities and territories of the future. The book offers an innovative look, not only the technological, sociological or economic issue, but rather the new urban models that will prevail in a society increasingly focused on globalization. In an appendix, with a contribution of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, some recent research of Senseable City Lab, on how ICT can help to describe, understand, enjoy and design the city of the future. ( continues )
REF. BIBLIO. - FUSER Paul (2008). E-city: digital networks and cities of the future, Actar D-List, Barcelona. ISBN: 978-88-95623-05-4.


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