Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dermatologist That Take Blueshield

The Eagle a year later

ABSTRACT - It 's been a year since 6 April 2009 when in the middle of the night at 03:32, an earthquake of intensity 5.8 on the Richter scale struck L'Aquila and its Province. The event was preceded by a long series of tremors that lasted started in December 2008 and with increasing intensity until the earthquake in early April that killed 308 people and has changed the lives of many others. Even damage to the building stock are evident from the early hours: 32% of the private buildings are uninhabitable, as well as 21% of those public and 54% of the historical and artistic heritage. At the end of April, around 67,500 people were made homeless are assisted by the Civil Defence in the camps, hotels on the coast, or in other living situations of luck. During the summer open the yards of the Plan and the Plan MAP CASE, with the fastest times that offer a comfortable solution to many of the displaced population, but even today in L'Aquila, there are 2,455 people living in hotels, 622 apartments in the Guardia di Finanza of school and 146 in the barracks Campomizzi. The hotels on the coast will still host and other 680 1,850 Aquila staying in apartments along the coast. After one year from the earthquake is then time to take stock the scientific process of reconstruction, evaluating light and shadow with the intent to hold constructive tensions high. The following notes, after a quick description of the model set up by the Italian Civil Protection, analyzes the results achieved with respect to three priority objectives, the housing crisis, the recovery of historical heritage and the revival of local economies, reflecting on some risks that have come to determine and that some attention should be paid in the knowledge that one can not yet claim victory as good has certainly been done, so long as the three aforementioned objectives are fully achieved. ( continues )

" An initial assessment of the reconstruction Abruzzo . "Urban Information No. 230, March-April. ISSN 0392-5005. pp. 23-26.


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