Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chocolate Oscars Statue

efficiency & energy saving housing

The energy consumed in buildings Residential for space heating and hot water health represents about 30% of national energy consumption, and accounts for about 25% of total national emissions of carbon dioxide, a major cause of global warming and the consequent rise in temperature of the globe.
undertake energy saving measures means

• Consume less energy and reduce heating costs and now
• Improving the living conditions inside the
improving its level of comfort and the welfare of those who stay and live there
• Participate in national and European efforts to significantly reduce fuel consumption
from fossil
• Protect the environment we live in and contribute to reducing pollution of our country and
's planet
• Invest in an intelligent and productive our savings


To save fuel each year so we must: •

reduce heat loss in winter and returned
summer heat through the walls, the floor and the roof of the house

• limit the leakage of hot air through the windows and window frames

• lower the heating temperature in rooms not used

• make the most of the energy contained in fuel planning ,
well maintained and adjusting the heating and air conditioning


To guide you in choosing the type of operation more convenient for us, ENEA has developed a table that has attributed to the "convenience points" for each intervention
according to the payback period is calculated by assessing the cost of fuel, the average cost of all materials used and the energy savings achieved.


The insulation of the walls can be built from the inside, outside or in the cavity. All three systems have their advantages: the choice of intervention to be adopted will depend
state of deterioration of the building and the amount of money available for its completion.

1. Isolation from the outside

is without doubt the most effective way to isolate a good building. It is particularly convenient where it is otherwise provided for a remake of the facade. For this particular type of intervention is recommended to rely on an expert.

2. Isolation from

intervention is not prohibitively expensive, which can also be done "alone". Causes, however, a slight decrease of the living space and may require the reorganization of the radiators, sockets and switches.

3. Insulation in the cavity wall

When the cavity contains you can fill it with the appropriate insulation materials. The cost is low and the intervention is affordable.

Since 2002, the German law, and more recently the legislation in force in the Province of Bolzano, set to 7 liters of oil, or cubic meters of methane per square meter walk year the maximum consumption allowed in the space heating. Less than half of the average Italian consumer.

Using the labeling in force in the household, in the Province of Bolzano this level corresponds to Class C and Class B corresponds to a consumption not more than 5 liters of diesel, or cubic meters of methane, and a class A
consumption not exceeding 3 liters of diesel oil, or cubic meters of methane per square meter per year.
In space heating, an energy policy aimed at reducing CO2 emissions, to avoid economic sanctions under the Kyoto treaty against defaulting countries

To increase the supply of electricity do not need to build new power plants of any kind. The first thing to do is to increase efficiency and reduce waste of existing plants, while increasing the efficiency with which The energy produced is used by utilities

In fact, the interior lighting of a house is only a small percentage of the total consumption of electricity. The appliances are at least 80% of the electricity bill.

water heater ...... 20% energy consumption
refrigerator ........... 18% energy consumption
lighting ..... 15% energy consumption washing machine
............. 13% energy consumption
TV ........... 11% energy consumption
dishwasher ......... 4% energy consumption
oven Electric ....... 4% energy consumption
other tools .......... 15% energy consumption
(The figures are indicative but can give a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe uses of electricity in every house)

Lighting: The bulbs can be replaced with lamps low-power, which provide the same light and last much longer. Modern power supplies also easily withstand frequent starts and stops.

Stove electric promptly to avoid wasting energy by turning off the plate and using the residual heat. The pots should have a flat bottom and proportionate to the size of the plate. To save further cover the pans with a lid while cooking or use a pressure cooker.

Oven: it is often necessary to preheat the oven. Take advantage of residual heat by turning off the oven before it has finished cooking. Cooking in the oven is useful only for certain amounts of food (at least 1.5 kg). The control of cooking by opening the oven door must be rapidly to prevent heat loss.


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