Friday, November 13, 2009

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Under the name of saving different techniques are suitable for reducing rr and co nsumi energy necessary for the performance of various human activities., We intend therefore all q uelle series of Actium ni and behaviors implemented to reduce the energy demand for the svolgim \u200b\u200b ent of any human activity. All that, in any sphere of human activities can lead to a decrease in energy consumption is a measure of energy savings. In this case, choosing an appropriate energy-saving insulation and having predicted a positive relationship with the incident solar radiation.
Here are examples of savings energy multiply: from choosing to limit the number of bathrooms (with shower and go to the speaker), the use of lamps ine low power to require fewer degrees in the house to the heating. Energy saving is a source of energy , in fact we must take measures of saving and nergetico, so that energy consumption decrease to the benefit of bol read personal and national and environmental balance of the globe.
energy saving benefits:

* Decreased consumption
* Economic incentives
* Quality of place
* Environmentally
* Alignment with EU standards

Saving energy - Environmental

The mission of many companies these issues are central and are the common thread of all the proposals for both families and businesses. In particular
company engaged primarily in the energy saving tico in conjunction with the environment is Enel. This tip or company, and many other solutions are proposed for air conditioning, heating, lighting and automation, special attention is always paid to the selection of products with high efficiency and low environmental impact. This leads to technologically advanced achievements that significantly reduce energy consumption. But we go further on the specific.
companies that deal with energy-saving offer their customers to use energy sources that do not use to fossil fuels: mainly the sun, the wind to help free ourselves at least in part on traditional energy resources at acceptable costs.

The sun can provide hot water for sanitary use for space heating, electricity for all uses via:

* Solar photovoltaic
* Solar thermal
* Solar energy plants

With the wind, in areas where it is available in sufficient quantities, can produce electricity through small installations and minimal visual impact and noise:
* Small wind turbines

I benefits will therefore be:

* Reduce dependence on fossil fuels

* Environmental * Energy saving technologies to
* 'vanguard
* Professionalism of qualified

is where you find the company that mainly deals with this problem. In undertaking this map is shown here in Verona:

View Larger Map

Here's a little slide show where you can see some pictures about the topic:



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