Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ceiling Curtain Rods Home Depot

THE fair trade

The phenomenon of "fair trade" (trade fair, in its English version) came to national attention and internationally by the late nineties, but the phenomenon has, however, a root oldest, dating back at least to the sixties.

Fair Trade (Trade Fair) aims to improve the living conditions of the southern countries of the world not so much through charitable activities, humanitarian or income support, as rather than developing productive capacities and business of the people and promoting their economic growth through the commercialization of products in rich country markets.

At the heart of Fair Trade (practiced mainly by associations and cooperatives, with a high presence of volunteer work in rich countries) so there is the will to combat the trade is based on traditional harmful practices such as :

  • the prices are set by strong players (multinational retail chains) regardless of production costs that are borne by vulnerable people (peasants, artisans and marginalized);
  • the ' uncertainty of market prospects of the products prevents farmers and artisans to plan their future seriously;
  • the late payments, or the fact that buyers pay for the goods and several months after delivery, often years after they have incurred the costs of production (infrastructure, seed, plant new trees, raw materials), favors the debt of financially weak and subject to a vicious circle that often leads to 'wear;
  • the producers do not know the markets in which they are sold their products and thus fail to adapt and even less to predict changes in consumption;
  • in order to reduce costs, production techniques that are used in the medium to long term prove to be particularly negative for the producer and or her community;
  • to increasing production, recourse will be to work in sectors of the population in rich countries is particularly protected (children, pregnant women, ...) and missing out on the training young
  • people with low productivity (the competition) have not actually possible to survive on the market;


Typical fair-trade products include coffee, tea, sugar cane, cocoa and handicraft products.

Other agricultural products are: honey, quinoa, barley, nuts (cashews, raisins, mango, ...), infusions (red sorrel, chamomile, mint, ...), spices (pepper, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ...) bananas and others.

These are transformed into: chocolate, chocolates, nougat, sweets, biscuits, hazelnut cream, soft-soluble, fruit juice, muesli (or a mixture of cereal flakes, dried fruit, etc.), etc..

Organic production is increasingly present in food is due on the one hand to consumer choice for a Northern food healthier, but also the peasants and workers to avoid exposure to harmful products for humans and reasons of environmental protection. Sometimes farmers themselves to decide for organic farming as a traditional technique of cultivation.


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