Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Family Dollar Sell Hair

Digital Urban Planning

ABSTRACT - The diffusion of ICT are profoundly changing the systems of relations and many activities of more advanced societies, just think of home banking, e-commerce, e-government, in trading on-line, etc.. In the field of science planning, however, appear to exist initial inertia that counteracts the development of new methodologies and new tools. Currently, the processes of territorial government, information and communication technologies are used to a lesser extent than their potential, mainly limited to single-level representative. The paper points the way toward a more complex use of ICT in the field of urban design and planning, distinguishing between transactions that have changed (even substantially) in the transition from traditional methods to digital, from those which are made possible only through 'use of ICT and therefore represent a more advanced level of innovation. (
RIF. BIBLIO. - Paolo Fusero, E-city: digital network and city of the future , Actar-D List, Barcelona (Spain) 2008 - ISBN: 978-88-95623-06-1


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