Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sony Table Projector Kp7220

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Free Pinewood Derby Star Wars Template

E-planning: urban planning and Smart Digital Networks

A BSTRACT - the center of interest of this paper is the role that digital networks have in the government of the future processes of urban and regional planning. The hypothesis is assumed that up to now the technological innovations have changed especially the processes of knowledge acquisition and the processes of representation the city and territory, but their potential, eg., communication processes on the same choices and decision making during project preparation and during their management, have not yet adequately expressed their potential. In other words we can say that we are in a transition phase where we are using new technologies that ICT provides us with the old methods of preparation of planning instruments. This brings to question the influence that digital networks will have on the future of urban and regional planning and ask two basic questions: How to change the planning instruments, and more generally the transformation of urban and regional projects, with the increasing use of digital networks? In an immediate future digital networks also have the ability to modify the physical form of the city, taking on a role that was previously found in other network infrastructures? ( continues )
REF. BIBLIO. - Paul Fusero, " E-planning urban design and digital networks ", in M. Ünal, virtual clothes, ed. Kappa (ITALY), Rome 2008 - ISBN: 978-88 -7890-910-6. ROMA 2008

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Chapter 6-9 Summary Deathwatch Robb White

November 2009 .-

and 'very pleasant, even this season, inhabiting one of the residences of Via Barberini;

looking out the fallen leaves and the changing of the season , In the comfort created dall'attimo thermal insulation of external walls and roof, the floor heating, self powered by solar panels for every home and a condensing boiler with the latest generation of storage water heater of 400 liters and flame autromodulante;

comfort and energy savings, what 's best to face the winter?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

S.n Mount&blade Warband

Adriatic city

ABSTRACT - This paper summarizes the first results of the research Pescara within the PRIN 2006 "Public Works and the Adriatic city '(research inter-Chieti-Ancona-Venice). The topics covered are digital networks and their potential application to the city of the future. In particular interest was directed at new uses of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) in the field of urban and regional planning from within the system to be able to experience new central Adriatic. What results are expected from this research? The paper starts with a hypothesis: the field of planning and urban design is currently undergoing a phase transition in which he uses the new communication technologies with the old methods of urban and territorial development. The first objective is therefore to investigate innovative uses of ICT to the applicable planning instruments, in order to enhance the urban design foreshadowing the new scenarios that come from determine from widespread use of digital networks. ( continues )
REF. BIBLIO. - Paul FUSER, " digital networks and territories to the future . In: Various Authors, Public Works and city Adriatic (pp. 124-137), Actar D-List, 2008 Barcelona (SPAIN) - ISBN: 978-88-95623-04-7 .

Friday, November 13, 2009

Font Size Academic Poster


Under the name of saving different techniques are suitable for reducing rr and co nsumi energy necessary for the performance of various human activities., We intend therefore all q uelle series of Actium ni and behaviors implemented to reduce the energy demand for the svolgim \u200b\u200b ent of any human activity. All that, in any sphere of human activities can lead to a decrease in energy consumption is a measure of energy savings. In this case, choosing an appropriate energy-saving insulation and having predicted a positive relationship with the incident solar radiation.
Here are examples of savings energy multiply: from choosing to limit the number of bathrooms (with shower and go to the speaker), the use of lamps ine low power to require fewer degrees in the house to the heating. Energy saving is a source of energy , in fact we must take measures of saving and nergetico, so that energy consumption decrease to the benefit of bol read personal and national and environmental balance of the globe.
energy saving benefits:

* Decreased consumption
* Economic incentives
* Quality of place
* Environmentally
* Alignment with EU standards

Saving energy - Environmental

The mission of many companies these issues are central and are the common thread of all the proposals for both families and businesses. In particular
company engaged primarily in the energy saving tico in conjunction with the environment is Enel. This tip or company, and many other solutions are proposed for air conditioning, heating, lighting and automation, special attention is always paid to the selection of products with high efficiency and low environmental impact. This leads to technologically advanced achievements that significantly reduce energy consumption. But we go further on the specific.
companies that deal with energy-saving offer their customers to use energy sources that do not use to fossil fuels: mainly the sun, the wind to help free ourselves at least in part on traditional energy resources at acceptable costs.

The sun can provide hot water for sanitary use for space heating, electricity for all uses via:

* Solar photovoltaic
* Solar thermal
* Solar energy plants

With the wind, in areas where it is available in sufficient quantities, can produce electricity through small installations and minimal visual impact and noise:
* Small wind turbines

I benefits will therefore be:

* Reduce dependence on fossil fuels

* Environmental * Energy saving technologies to
* 'vanguard
* Professionalism of qualified

is where you find the company that mainly deals with this problem. In undertaking this map is shown here in Verona:

View Larger Map

Here's a little slide show where you can see some pictures about the topic:


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chocolate Oscars Statue

efficiency & energy saving housing

The energy consumed in buildings Residential for space heating and hot water health represents about 30% of national energy consumption, and accounts for about 25% of total national emissions of carbon dioxide, a major cause of global warming and the consequent rise in temperature of the globe.
undertake energy saving measures means

• Consume less energy and reduce heating costs and now
• Improving the living conditions inside the
improving its level of comfort and the welfare of those who stay and live there
• Participate in national and European efforts to significantly reduce fuel consumption
from fossil
• Protect the environment we live in and contribute to reducing pollution of our country and
's planet
• Invest in an intelligent and productive our savings


To save fuel each year so we must: •

reduce heat loss in winter and returned
summer heat through the walls, the floor and the roof of the house

• limit the leakage of hot air through the windows and window frames

• lower the heating temperature in rooms not used

• make the most of the energy contained in fuel planning ,
well maintained and adjusting the heating and air conditioning


To guide you in choosing the type of operation more convenient for us, ENEA has developed a table that has attributed to the "convenience points" for each intervention
according to the payback period is calculated by assessing the cost of fuel, the average cost of all materials used and the energy savings achieved.


The insulation of the walls can be built from the inside, outside or in the cavity. All three systems have their advantages: the choice of intervention to be adopted will depend
state of deterioration of the building and the amount of money available for its completion.

1. Isolation from the outside

is without doubt the most effective way to isolate a good building. It is particularly convenient where it is otherwise provided for a remake of the facade. For this particular type of intervention is recommended to rely on an expert.

2. Isolation from

intervention is not prohibitively expensive, which can also be done "alone". Causes, however, a slight decrease of the living space and may require the reorganization of the radiators, sockets and switches.

3. Insulation in the cavity wall

When the cavity contains you can fill it with the appropriate insulation materials. The cost is low and the intervention is affordable.

Since 2002, the German law, and more recently the legislation in force in the Province of Bolzano, set to 7 liters of oil, or cubic meters of methane per square meter walk year the maximum consumption allowed in the space heating. Less than half of the average Italian consumer.

Using the labeling in force in the household, in the Province of Bolzano this level corresponds to Class C and Class B corresponds to a consumption not more than 5 liters of diesel, or cubic meters of methane, and a class A
consumption not exceeding 3 liters of diesel oil, or cubic meters of methane per square meter per year.
In space heating, an energy policy aimed at reducing CO2 emissions, to avoid economic sanctions under the Kyoto treaty against defaulting countries

To increase the supply of electricity do not need to build new power plants of any kind. The first thing to do is to increase efficiency and reduce waste of existing plants, while increasing the efficiency with which The energy produced is used by utilities

In fact, the interior lighting of a house is only a small percentage of the total consumption of electricity. The appliances are at least 80% of the electricity bill.

water heater ...... 20% energy consumption
refrigerator ........... 18% energy consumption
lighting ..... 15% energy consumption washing machine
............. 13% energy consumption
TV ........... 11% energy consumption
dishwasher ......... 4% energy consumption
oven Electric ....... 4% energy consumption
other tools .......... 15% energy consumption
(The figures are indicative but can give a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe uses of electricity in every house)

Lighting: The bulbs can be replaced with lamps low-power, which provide the same light and last much longer. Modern power supplies also easily withstand frequent starts and stops.

Stove electric promptly to avoid wasting energy by turning off the plate and using the residual heat. The pots should have a flat bottom and proportionate to the size of the plate. To save further cover the pans with a lid while cooking or use a pressure cooker.

Oven: it is often necessary to preheat the oven. Take advantage of residual heat by turning off the oven before it has finished cooking. Cooking in the oven is useful only for certain amounts of food (at least 1.5 kg). The control of cooking by opening the oven door must be rapidly to prevent heat loss.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ny Temprory Visit Expired

ABSTRACT - It is likely that in future, the distinction between "rich areas" and "poor areas" will become ever less significant, and instead revealed the concept of "intelligent territories" to contrast with those territories do not have these skills. What means for an area to be "intelligent"? The paper argues that what makes and "intelligent" is an area inside the application of appropriate information and communication technologies in order to achieve maximum efficiency: greater competitiveness through lower consumption of resources. can distinguish at least four ways to apply intelligence to the territories: the areas in intelligent design, intelligent information from the territories; design intelligent applications in the service territories; use intelligently territories. ( continues )

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Noise Makers At Competitions

H1N1 virus or vaccine, trick or treat? My life

"To understand whether or not I get vaccinated against swine flu'm looking for information online. I found a site that tells me every day (in English) on the progress of all infectious diseases dangerous on the planet. From cholera to yellow fever. Belin. Today I received the information found in English hospitals on 'H1N1. In the coming weeks the blog will provide more updated information on influenza in pigs in Europe. In Spain, as reported by the study, only 0.2% of patients have serious consequences. " (source: Beppe Grillo )

Friday, October 16, 2009

2009 Ford Escape Camping

scandal in Brazil!

ROME, Oct. 16 - What a game end 11-0 is already weird. But nine of the eleven goals to be achieved over the last nine minutes is beyond the bounds of credibility. Yet it happened in Brazil, in the match Viana-Chapadinha to , decisive for the promotion to the First Division Championship Maranhao. Viana had to win with the many-goal to get the better of the Motorcycle Club, the other team vying to get into the "Series A". But 81 'was just about 2-0, while the Moto Club was playing for the Santa Quiteria 5-1 (with three penalties in favor). At that point, started the comic. The Chapadinha has virtually stopped playing, while those of Viana took to score an average of one goal per minute, finishing 0 / 11. The 5-1 Moto Club has become useless. To go in the First Division, for two different networks, was the Viana. The club "Duped", however, has not remained silent and has reported the case to the Brazilian Football Federation.

Well, I think it is clear that the game was completely rigged. This is evident from the video: how to be nine goals in nine minutes? and you've seen the goal? Players discard of Viana's opponents in an impressive manner, but not because they were good, but because the others were jumping. And it's obvious that the whole match was rigged. Not by chance to climb into the top division had to win with many goals or more ... that is, if cheating were pleasant could do it better. Unfortunately these unacceptable things happen in football. Obviously I do not think will please anyone hear this news. In my opinion, should ensure that such things can never happen because they have nothing to do with the sport. There are no words to describe these facts, facts that are still laughing at their stupidity. In the end everything will be resolved, the Viana the return to Serie B and, as it should be, you pluck a nice salty fine: I wonder if they will learn the lesson. And then fall to do certain things must be really frustrating because they have not proved to be a winning team and ready to go in Serie A.


Here's the video of the sensational ninth goal, watching and commenting! !

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Implantation Bleeding Some Tissue

My camping !!!!!

View Camping Rosengarten in a larger map

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How To Hide Ugly Pipes Under Sinks


My name is Peter, I started playing football when I was about 7 years ... The reason why I started playing football was because I felt within me a desire to show me some hope that the other major team to take me ...

One day, the father of a friend of mine, seeing me play football asked me if I liked to go play in the society in which he played his son.

first, I was very hesitant to accept that one day I went with my friend to do a workout conlui and immediately I started to like ... At that time the society in which game is called Foroni, and was one of the strongest in the neighborhood together with golosina, Saint Lucia and to the 'Euro Team ...

My initial role was that of central defender but as they changed coaches, each one had its own idea about the role I had to do ...
In 2001, a change the company name changed from Real to Foroni Fortitudo just hard fouls and then only 6 years ...

I had to change teams and went to the Team Saint Lucia golosina which is my current company ...

Now I'm playing in the Junior Provincial and my current role is a central defender and now we are first in the standings with 12 goals and made 12 points 2 Subit we

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pokemon Leaf Green Controls On Mac

Here I can find my house!

View Larger Map

Monday, September 28, 2009

Diagram Of Pirate Watch

E 'Calabrese and was elected to Palacotonella of Salsomaggiore Terme

Perrusi Mary was born in Cosenza in Fiumefreddo and lives with his family. He turned 18 last Saturday (it's the Virgin), during the finals of Miss Italy, where he arrived as Miss Calabria, accompanied by her mother Lina. At the end, the band also won Miss Sasha. High 1.82, until recently, was almost embarrassed by his height in relation to other adolescents, now shrugs: "I say to Cristina Chiabotto heir" - lucky over the Miss Italy to lead the Jene and other programs TV - and "older people in the supermarket - he says, smiling - always ask me to take things up". Green eyes, brown hair, she is enrolled in the final year of accounting Pizzini Istituto di Paola in the province of Cosenza, where in recent days have cheered for her, like the streets in Fiumefreddo, which was set up a giant screen for all finals. His mother is a housewife, father Francesco is a worker, an example to follow for Mary: "My father - he says - he lived 25 years in Switzerland to support our family. We reached once a month in Calabria. To me, this distance is been difficult. " Maria has a boyfriend, but has clear ideas: "I'm not a girl who is based only on the aesthetic, a boy must be fascinating to woo and conquer."

The Coronation: Mary Perrusi was crowned by the swimming champion Federica Pellegrini at Palacotonella of Salsomaggiore Terme, live on in Raiuno conducted by Milly Carlucci. Maria has won contracts to work with sponsors to € 108,500, plus a car Peugeot 207. Miss Italy 2009 will be spokesperson of the Ministry of Tourism, said Mirigliani Patrick, patron of the competition: "It will face Italy in the world," said Milly Carlucci. The presenter has renovated much of the program and the presentation of Miss, it falls on Saturday in a long first episode, at the center of controversy for having postponed the news, but already the second time the evening were more than met. Times observed even in the final, which saw in the hall's director Raiuno, Mauro Mazza.

THE JURY: Then the jury (Rita Rusic, Sergio Assisi, Guillermo Mariotto, Ricky Tognazzi and Claudio Cecchetto) in the latter test showed less than the right to criticism, greatly raising the votes at Miss: the jurors, however, asked for and received the ' musical guest, Tiziano Ferro, singing Pardon Miss a name to them (after submitting the new single The sun is for all ). For this 70th edition of Miss Italy, conducted for the first time by a woman, was also renewed the crown Miluna: eight points, has 3,080 diamonds and is reminiscent of 1957.

After her runner-up Mary, the second ranked Mirella Sessa, Caserta from 23 who lives in Sessa Aurunca. In the first final, had been wrongly named Miss Fashion and was then forced to cede the title, when he had the headband and the jewel-upon premium. E 'was also the only Miss agree to put all the jurors, collecting the votes of en plein twice: the designer Guillermo Mariotto, known for its controversy, only 10 gave to her.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Arthritis Wax Machine

E-CITY Digital Landscapes: digital networks and cities of the future

ABSTRACT - U n'indagine articulated on innovations made available by new technologies and significant changes in town planning and urban models of the future. The project for the city and the region is going through a transition phase for the advent of new technologies and the resulting "digital revolution", Information and Communication, which now pervade all spheres of social life, also induce substantial changes to each level of activity, not least the urban functions and human relations. E-city, describes these changes in three parts: e-Network, development of digital networks and processes of land transformation, and-planning, planning tools and their innovations related to ICT development, e-City, cities and territories of the future. The book offers an innovative look, not only the technological, sociological or economic issue, but rather the new urban models that will prevail in a society increasingly focused on globalization. In an appendix, with a contribution of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, some recent research of Senseable City Lab, on how ICT can help to describe, understand, enjoy and design the city of the future. ( continues )
REF. BIBLIO. - FUSER Paul (2008). E-city: digital networks and cities of the future, Actar D-List, Barcelona. ISBN: 978-88-95623-05-4.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Scottish Quotes In Poptropica

Urban & Internet

ABSTRACT - Whether we live in a society with high technology content is a fact. If a valid indicator of the statistics may be selling some "gadgets" we notice, for example, that the Italians excel (alas) in the possession of mobile phones, using SMS messages, and - as rather surprising - the installation of navigation systems for cars! And as this technology has led to overexposure actual changes in their daily professional activities is a matter yet to be verified. The paper offers some ideas on the possible influences and innovations that the new information technologies, particularly the Internet, are having on town planning. The thread of reasoning identifies two main areas where urban planning is applied: the teaching and professional practice. In the light outlines of what the possible scope of innovation brought about by new information technologies on the urbanist different professions: university professor, the self-employed and officials of public administration. ( continues )
RIF.BIBLIO. - Paul Fusero, " Urban & Internet " Paper presented at the Conference: Frontiers of town planning , Pescara June 15, 2005.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Exercise Equipment That Looks Like A Walker

Welcome! Details

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How Many Automotive Apprenticeship Hours


This could be a post marking a new way of interpreting the pleasure to go riding. Early in the morning, just before the light make its debut, the 'still air of the night breeze ripples and humidity. Here light and unmistakable sound of a bicycle on the scene and with her characters, in search of fresh herbs, which, in defiance of the numbness, enjoy the moment of transition from the saddle. It's worth it. Today the 'Dawn' s we spent on the slopes of Mount Pietralata but it is only a beginning of more climbing and descents. We will keep you informed / i. But sogia no gh 'is more ' granda de bea and those OCI Varda me the co.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

How Long To Defrost Sausage In Microwave

Genoa, suburbs and city centers, public-private

ABSTRACT - Since the beginning of the nineties Genoa has hosted major international events: the World football in 1990, the Columbus celebrations in 1992, the G8 Summit in 2001 until you come to be designated European Capital of Culture in 2004. The ability to put together the financing related to these extraordinary events in of an overall strategy to upgrade its urban image, has helped change the face of the city. A process of gradual transformation of the main public spaces and the most important cultural event in the city that spawned a sort of leverage also against private entrepreneurial initiative. Now we can speak of "Genoa model" to define the set of strategies (planning, financial, economic, social) that led, over two decades, the city from the brink of a profound crisis of a small industrial reflectors circuit of European cities. Today, some urban areas, to start from the old port of Renzo Piano, are one of the Italian cities of Genoa projected more towards the international dimension that until a few years ago we sought in the streets of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bor Berlin, rather than on the streets of London or Paris. At a time like this where many scholars have undertaken to analyze the success of this phenomenon, this book will look back "behind the scenes" of Genoa European capital of culture, away from the spotlight of the Expo, Aquarius or treasures Palazzo Ducale, going to "browse" among the lesser-known corners of its outskirts. The result is a rich of interesting points, reflections in some ways unexpected, a suburb that takes into context different from those of other major Italian cities. ( continues )
REF. BIBLIO. - Paul Fusero, Genoa suburbs and city centers , Hall Publishers, Pescara 2005 - ISBN: 88-85359-77-9

Friday, February 20, 2009

Who Sells Diaper Cakes

February 2009 .-

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Deathwatch Chapter Robb White


Welcome back to this blog, the 'last post was about desire. . . devoting myself to it I have to be a bit 'lost. Tomorrow is still mercoledibicicletta and I must say that the group of aficionados has steadily increased, thanks to everyone and we continue this way, the news about the new group For bike that will give life to a program and its outputs, Fano, and the flatbread that comes now in version anti-crisis: more money to the rich and ever. Me x sogia love. See you tomorrow.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Wedding Tabletop Ideas

Report PRG

Abstract - This text is the introductory chapter of the book "The public-private relationship in Prg," Palombi 2004, which expresses a radical critique of the approach only journalistic the Prg. Such criticism is built on the belief that we have finally broken the fundamental asymmetry of relationship that would bind in the long season of reformism, the public to the private operator, sanctioning the de facto dominance of the former over the latter. The complex transformations since the end of the seventies are that occurred in the way we interact with the city, led to a substantial rethinking of planning methodologies: the central role assumed by the issue of scarcity of resources and their possible mobilization, is matched by the inevitability of the logic of partnership between public and private sectors. It appears very difficult today to think of Plan assumptions foreign to them, even if everything still seems to have produced precise rules designed to govern relations between the many actors in the process. Of a possible settlement of these rules was guided this research. What emerges from the reflections, is the ability to think differently to the production process of the Plan, its relevant issues, and his training techniques, a line of reflection that compares, in a specific and careful, with a discussion now very rich. ( continues )
REF. BIBLIO. - Paul Fusero, The public-private relationship in the PRG: contexts, practices and new horizons . Palombi Editori, Roma 2004 - ISBN: 88-7621-287 -