Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Enlargement Of The Left Hilum

Change of Season

I decided to make the change of season. I start with the blog that is less strenuous.
Then, sooner or later I'll get to tame even the closets, to box the sweaters and blankets and prepare to die of heat. Already
feels Rome bites you in the throat. The asphalt radiates heat. The cars are still under the sun and seems to suffer, in traffic. If they seem the language of the big dogs looking cool. Instead of drooling, saliva or sweat (at least their horses could) to hunt out dust and fumes. Poisons, which will dry out your throat, make you burn the eyes and darken the sky.

In this time of year I love getting up early, even at 6 am, despite not having anything planned, just to take to the streets. It seems to me to be the only time when the city is still on a human scale. And the light! That light that Rome, until 7:30! Vibrates, is sharp, with its long shadows and still fresh. And 'the light that painters came together to seek the orders of the aristocracy. It is said that that unique light, which smacks of the morning, like when we went on the beach, small, with bucket in hand, at one time held the magic into the evening. Now you can love her only as long as the sky is still blue and people are still eating breakfast.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Tv Cabinet Retractable Doors

London - Day 8

Ok, here's how things went. Among
wakes up and connects to the Internet to check mail and notices to be inundated with messages, email, etc. and even now is chirped by Pina who wants to know how we are. How are we doing? We're fine, why?
Because we are missing the whole family. But if we felt the other day and we are sending you a text message in which I said that 99% did not jump? Yes, but there is always quell'1%. Ah well, if so you are right now and like us all.
assists in the announcement of half-sleep good news thanks to our father who suffered with an "asshole, what purpose did you?"
clear things up in the morning continues.
I wake up, wake me up or better at all the usual casino Fra, who kindly lingers to go in the office to spend a few more minutes with me. We have breakfast and talk 4.
I greet him.
I do not want to devote myself to the back of the blog, to tarry long in the morning. I prepare and pack your bags. Yeah, now you go home. But the plane is at 20.05, so I have time.
When I finally decide to leave Evangelos'm turning for home. I greet him and tell him that I would leave in the evening. He then resumed the conversation the previous day and apologized for not having installed the battery. Yes, because gathered in a box in the living room is the drum machine, a Roland TD-12. He urges me to try at least a little bit and I attach the snare: it is something monstrous, sounds like a real battery, nothing to do with "assembly" in my room or with pieces of rubber that are usually in instrument shops. It leaves me to tap a 20 min. Thank you and then ask him to send me some of his performances on youtube. He says yes, yes, but probably never will.
Esco. But now the right thing to do is go to lunch with and among his colleagues, the same as the prime Oxa, the francophones. Case
coolness is removed the idea of \u200b\u200beating in runs and we opt for Chi, a Thai-Japanese restaurant. I ate really well. If passed by the City, fatevelo not escape at all.
After a coffee and greeting everyone as they go back to the office I go Harrod's.
had been before and I forgot to have visited only partially and only to take the legendary cheesecake so dear to Pina.
So I literally get lost in this temple of unbridled consumerism, luxury, but especially in foodhall, gourmet celebration. There is everything, but really all the best food to sell (if you look for tiger's eye I know that not even find them here).
I let myself go with muffins, donuts's Cheescake and (of course) and I hope that everything arrives intact at the end of the journey. Anyway you spend. I also plan a trip to Toys that can not compete with Hamleys (5 plans for children or not).
At last, however I break because in addition to the ultra-luxury adult toys (Poker, chess, etc.) that otherwise brands, perfumes and jewels that I was never concerned. Calmly I head home for the last time, to leave the keys and say goodbye to two nice Greek. The house is deserted and half hour long followed the route to Heathrow. They are well ahead of me and him around pretty well. But of course
arrival at the gate near the limit time. Anyway all ok.
'm happy, I enjoyed it but I was too tired and the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing back to my placid routine melts in my temples like a sugar cube in a double cappuccino Starbuck's (the sound it makes is floooooommmm).
A further enliven the journey will take care of my neighbor's chair: Emma, \u200b\u200bwho always laughs at my jokes, she caresses and rubs me and about eight months. Behind me two other boys model 012 that are even more casino. Anyway when you do not take it anymore, I put on my headphones and sleep until a few minutes before landing.
In Rome it pours. Due to time there are no trains (between one thing and the other is after midnight) and I wonder how one of the major airports of Italy is so "stupid", and like me also crowds of tourists who do not know which way to turn piacioni among taxi drivers who do not understand a shit of English.
But now I'm home.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Congratulation For Birth

London - London

Today we have a new appointment. Between Sundays, we meet with another team to carry out his plan. Today I'm going well and I will try to design the logo. Hurry
pleasantries we try to move it later if we come out the other Rastas. To our unpleasant surprise to discover that the train station that we should take, and that 20 minutes would have brought us to, today does not pass because there are works in progress. After an initial confusion between being the solution and contact the other team members to warn them that we do half an hour late.
when it finally arrives, I find myself inside a building that houses offices for rent, even to "hours", with all amenities, from the projector, the various boards, an Internet supercucina iperattrezzata. In fact, just inside
beginning to know the other three guys (programmers) while we drink coffee and nibble candy bars. Connect the computer takes stock of the situation and what you hope to achieve by the end of the day.

The hours start to spend and I spend reviewing several solutions, first playing under the name of the project, composing and decomposing, then clearly the meaning and so on. At the end of the day will be much simpler and less extensive than thought at the start (thankfully).

We worked well up to 17 (closed lunchtime), with great concentration and isolated from the outside world (because my brother showed me the phone because his condition was unloading).

At 17 and something, we are outdoors and you can make an appointment for the next meeting. Take a bus and go on the fly. In exchange we understand that if we do not want to be late to the appointment of the evening, we must avoid going home. We arrive in Soho, a little ahead of its time, and we take a ride around up to a tasty pastry shop run by Italians who recognized us from afar. We enter the pub, we sit at one of those high tables with Sgabellone and waiting for Aaron and Piotr begin to enjoy a pint.

Aaron is now an old friend of mine, all the times I came in he was always perfidious Albion. And it is from him that I spent the New Year (Too bad there is not even Sam).

arrive soon and will start to play. If in those days I felt a little tied in speaking and understanding the language (but I often had to do with Indian boys who, like Fra says, are for the advanced course) now I finally feel at ease. And I have not even finished the first beer!
The hours are then spent flitting between pints and whiskey (I discovered that Jamison's like and I know that coconut) between stereotypes and profanity and experiences of travel, invitations (if you come to Rome ...) and lifestyles .
When we decide to get up the place is now deserted and we walked to Trafalgar Square. On the road convinced Aaron to get some cigars, and we light them, such as tobacco, even my memories begin to fade and scatter in the cold in London. We sat on the stairs and we chatted central, and I've also marked the territory, incited by those who felt at home in one of the most visited places in the world with two thugs in the security behind us who had sensed something, but they were not sure (but certainly some camera has done its task).
The night ends with us that we sneak on a bus, miss our stop and we can make it on foot to collapse in bed. Anyway a very nice evening that we had paid off the bad luck the day before (for the record, today the weather was beautiful!)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Benefits Of Protein Shakes On Hair


Dear friends, needless to say .... I love you.
I am with you with all my spirit. This' means that travel 'and think' you the 25 you that with your bike and sail on the conquest of banderillas ciudad de Ferrara.

Go, go, Go, travel! I'm with you.

Most Popular Herb Alpert Songs

day 7 - day 6

Wake up at 5:45
Lifted after 5 min of kicking the blankets. Vain attempts to bring together body and mind.
Time is even more than yesterday and there is a gray drizzle and cold.
take the bus two stops and George are waiting for us in the car.
-Nice to meet you! -Nice to meet u 2 - (he speaks local).
The first impression is that there is in his car past a cyclone and has mixed leaves, alcohol and cat dander.
begin the journey towards our destination, the others will join us there (should be 14).
stop for petrol. Behind I still try to link the needs of my body to the concrete possibility of fulfillment. After a couple of hours away, several sballottolamenti of my head looking for the right position to sleep, I hear that we should be ahead of schedule (although later we will lose). Pressure is something inside of me, then I do pressure off of me and I get a break in service area. Territory marked. Continue. After
not know how long (I could not quantify it because I slept most of the time) and reach the NLPC: Northern London Parachute Centre, Tandem Skydiving aim to do!
parked there and a friend of George. The weather is better than expected but is still very cloudy. While we try to enter something stops all: a black cat has just crossed the road. Expect other We pass in front and lifted off again.
Please note that we arrived but they tell us that we must wait for the whole group and that at present there are 40 people in front and at the rate of 10 per hour we are already in line for 4 hours. Good start.
We spend a little time to chat in the refreshment until slowly comes another group of friends. A phone call arrives: two are locked on the train because some guy decided to buttarcisi below.

The weather worsened as we pass by a tea to coffee. We are looking for on youtube parachute flight ended badly but the connection is too slow and gave up (thankfully). The atmosphere is one of the fishermen blocked in port due to storm (which is slowly getting closer).
When we finally reach the other 10 and we're all going to register and pay the ticket. We are told that making a throw must be seen at least one piece of blue sky and then to today I know that nothing is done. Anyway we pay a ticket valid for six months and signed all the paperwork that you do that is dangerous, you can die, that in case of need, the expert who gets thrown in tandem with you, think to save his skin rather than splashed with you. After all the morning was quite unfortunate and perhaps it was better to stay down to earth, maybe next time we will raise the right foot and the day will be all roses and sunshine and 3000 meters above sea level rise that we breath.
As far we are from London we decided to continue our jaunt to Cambridge.
Another two-hour drive and arrive. It's drizzling here and now seek a place to stop and eat, we recommend the most famous pubs in the city. Of course the bad luck decides that there will not be in that pub before the current 16 and therefore there is no food. We just have a very poor Chinese. However, hunger is so great and eat almost anything.

At the other end of the meal express their intention to hole up in a pub to see I do not know which parts of Portland. Between me and instead we give exploration, but before a caffettino on the fly. The weather is slightly better but still very dull, what one would expect to find in these places in fact. I came back to mind some adventures of Sherlock Holmes set in the wet heaths.
discover a little thing in reality is Cambridge, a group of college almost exclusively Gothic forms: some are in effect in 1300, others of the last century. Can we visit the famous Trinity College (only the parts not occupied by students), courtyard, dining hall and choir (which we photographed the "fantastic" menu, bleach!)
try to get in but too late and other students must make their life without travelers between the feet and then you can not anymore. Meanwhile, the game is over and we riincontrarci with others (are 17.00).
greeted the crews of the other machines I, Brother George and leave again for home.
Needless to say, on this Saturday the 17th, surrounded by some bad luck, they do not even know how many hours I scapuzzulato in the car, my legs ached like never before. Even limping. The evening we'd spent a graduation party from the parts of Greenwich (lontanuccio, among other things) but in the end we stayed for dinner at home. Among other things, I saw that British TV is not all that stops such as ours.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Gold And Dusty Rose Wedding

London - London

I wake up calmly. First, I no longer feel his legs, or rather feel very burdened by the night before.
I do a little hard to get back on track, coffee (strictly format mash), shower, etc.. Updating the blog with the two previous days.
In the meantime, it's late and if I see something I'd better let him. I throw in a backpack guides, maps, and Richard Rogers's book I'm interested in the chapter on the pedestrian area of \u200b\u200bTrafalgar Square: my goal is the wonderful National Gallery.
the worst time a little longer.
At 11.00 am already out of Charing Cross, trying to orient myself. But perhaps I'd better go to lunch, so I have the time to document a little. Hamburger Union is not bad but it is heavier than All Bar One. After several gaffes which have left me the embarrassment of one who is a beginner in an unknown country (which is not exactly the case in question), use my share of fat and protein and a little wandering around Trafalgar, taking some pictures (the mythical tree of birds).
I climb the stairs in a crowd in Babylon.
I take the audio guide on voluntary donations. Admission is free. The last time I was here I managed to only see one quarter of the exhibition and I was left totally enamored of the Flemish and German paintings from 1500 to 1600, with its dazzling colors at times. The new goal was to break into masterpieces from 1700 to 1900.

shoes more comfortable than usual, ready smile and go. I spent hours in the most diverse museum's most beloved England without realizing it. A coffee break in one of the expensive new interior and up to 17. Among my favorite (but each canvas on display here has made history): Degas "La Coiffure", Henri ROUSSEAU "Surprised" Villhelm Hammershoi "Interior" and of course the "Wheatfield with Cypresses" by Van Gogh, just to be in a certain kind of painting. But the team was made up by Turner, Manet, Canaletto, Ingres, Cezanne, Seurat, and so on. Very exciting. At 17

course even more pain in my legs respond to the call One of which, for the evening brought a lesson in salsa.
while I wait for him to phone home and Pina (with VoIP). Arrives late and we run the appointment. An hour passes between a teacher and very nice stereotype dell'inglesina with glasses, and a group of bumbling beginners. Eventually there are enough fun to make "push left, push, right, etc.".

Let's go to dinner at the Ethiopian restaurant, but they have no bread. We have to settle for a sad Fried Chicken. A bed that we are tired and waiting for us up early tomorrow.

Friday, May 16, 2008

How To Make A Gelatin Animal Cell Project

day 5 - day 4

I wake up more 'later than usual, at 9 and the others are already' standing for a while '. I dressed quickly and I do not have time to update the blog. Out of time and 'even worse with the appearance of a bit of drizzle.
The goal and 'the usual Piccadilly Circus that there are a lot of shops. We are already at 12 'with One for lunch. We're going to try the burgers of All Bar One, which are well done. We separate all four. Among back to work and I'm going to make a trip to Westminster, before going to Victoria to greet Mat and Nic returning to Italy. I have some problems to find the couch station but in the end I can not. The problem 'that it took me a few minutes too and my friends are already' on their way to Stansted. I wanted to say hello, tell him that I was glad to know them. I hope to see them.
A bit dejected, I'm leaving in a cafe ' to enjoy an espresso, which needless to say it was painful to think and what I can do alone.
I go to that museum, perhaps no better than the other. I decided to go to Tottenham by the parties where there is a lane with the most 'high concentration of musical instrument shops in Britain. A real bonanza. Browse a ESP Horizon II (beast), a Music Man John Petrucci (who handle), a vintage fretless JB, a couple of drum machines. I mean something like € 10,000 in total, but just to try. What satisfaction. Aaah.
The tour continues through the libraries of Soho (often supplemented by Sex Shop!) And in what turns out to be the Gay Street.

Blackfriars Among a colleague leaves the company towards more 'attractive and offers to drink at all. I feel a green beer (Ale Stonehenge, well, grass).
swallowed something and then literally run home, throw in a backpack and two shirts I get started in the game of squash (a small childhood dream). In less than 10 minutes I feel more 'legs and I have a knee that is felt instead. Continue for another half hour. We leave the gym at 23:00 and that 'now closed. A huge sports center with 6 squash courts, hockey etc etc.. I would like to see it better (and resent the house in Rome).
Needless to say, I point to the fatigue has knocked out without much thought.

Employee Evaluation Form Dental Hygienist

London - London

At 10:30 we are on the road, aiming at Elephant & Castle area where Matthew, in the vein of revival, he lived. We go down to Holborn and then from there 'on foot. We have breakfast in the sprint (this time Italian style coffee 'and croissant at 3 pounds!) From Costa and we continue to narrow features. We crossed the Millennium Bridge Take some good gusts of wind. Weather today and 'already' a bit more 'London, cloudy and cooler than yesterday.
cross Waterloo and arrive in hostel area. A really nice hotel, comfortable, groomed, modern. We say that a visit would be interested to live there. In front there are housing projects that the government of ex-convicts and various colleges across the road and universities'.
journeyed gotta eat in a pub, no? First pint of the day.
A little 'speed in Regent Street, shopping, until I go to meet One, Piccadilly, and they make a quick trip to home. With Cedric
Hassim and go to a nice pub just opposite the entrance to Chinatown. The pints are doubled. After the others were fed (I was returning from the buffet-Pizza Hut) go to another pub always Soho area. We drink outside, and we entertain two talented street performers who leave everyone speechless. Eventually we reach the Italians. We move through Carnaby Street. Other
Pub, another Guinness! In the meantime we subscribe to the tennis tournament on wii, giving away £ 30 of drinks. I do honor but are defeated by an Indian in a suit (like all the others too).
you return home, happy, but through 'from Tesco to get something to munch on.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Need A Novelty Texas Id

day 3 - day 2

not particularly good last night, including digestion, heat, and the alarm of Fra. I decide to stay in bed hoping to sleep again so the other two Italian guests are still asleep. There are two friends who discover Trentino 'to be very friendly and talkative. The bed
rejects me. I update the blog a bit, and when I decide that I browse and 'Time to go get some fresh air alone, are beginning to emerge from their dens so' that await them.
I leave for them to propose the route and in fact the first stage and 'something that I would never have thought of going to visit but that appears to be of great interest = Arsenal stadium.
can be reached on foot and arrived in 15 min. First, let's jump into one of two stores under the structure. It 'the most' impressive collection of merchandise I have ever seen. One hundred of products, among the most 'diverse, that the sole purpose of spreading the Arsenal logo. My two companions are football experts and they tell me the differences between our club and the Albion.
The stadium would also visited internally but for a fee. From the outside reveals a restaurant and other wonders and looks like a very beautiful and imposing structure, rich in solutions guess. I try to make a picture that makes the idea but I am compelled to give up.

In the meantime we have already 'made our English breakfast, where we signed and' went conservative with a simple chicken burger without fries (despite the amazement of the chambermaid) and the other two have experimented with jacket potato, beans & mushrooms.
Come to Camden Town? The metro ok
us now in this world-famous Via Sannio of pop-rock where the alternative loses its charge to become reactionary and approval, and then 'everything, now, for tourists. However, there are a lot of particularity ', as ultraspecializzati Cyberdog shops (and only cyber punk rave people) and others who have tattoos or wear shoes with superzeppa fetish. Cute vintage shops. Surprising that this area, however, characteristic, is already 'quite changed from when we came for the first time each endorsed a while ago. The impression is 'as if you throw in Trastevere alleys on the ground, to build them even more' features. At the end of the yards we'll see.
we linger in a couple of pubs. Meanwhile make the 6 and we have to reach my brother in Piccadilly. I only go there because 'others need to take something home for cover' cause is starting to cool. In between, I port in a megastore where they have a room that has a fifty PCs, all-new course, networked with the sole purpose of challenging the others in the many games installed. Before playing Halo = aim and 'kill his brother, an old story. After swallowing several pounds of lead we try some other game, but then we decided to go outdoors. We rush hour in an area always crowded and people collide and mix without respite. After a while we reach
Nicola and Matthew and two other colleagues Fra.
looking for a room. We sit. We spend the evening.
finally managed to go to the office where my stuff and 'still parked.
Now I can sleep happy.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What Are Catydid Candies?


As usual on Wednesday dedicated the bike wants his post, el 'further efforts will be giving an impetus to' appointment piadineria night in town trying to spread the word and bringing other people. Turn the bike is a pleasure to share the season to resume riding is also suitable for most 'reluctant. Courage is the fun between your legs.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Belkin F6d4050 Linuxtreiber

May 14, 2008 May 25 W Ferrara and our bikes

Hello, I am Maria Luisa, all ready for my tour? L 'invitation is extended to all bike lovers and of' art. Together we can do great things. The Trip starts: at 7 am departure from Fano, 14 by train. For those who want with their bikes (additional € 3.50 a / r). This specifically because there will be an opportunity to visit the Hermitage in Ferrara and then transfer to a cycle tour around the city walls. In the historic center is held the traditional Palio which is an 'ulterior motive of interest and curiosity of the day. We packed lunch. The return is set for 17 hours: 31 from Ferrara to Bologna in Fano with change and arriving at 20:45. The cost of the train ticket is € 11.15 one way. The price of the ticket to the castle of Este is € 10.00 and is free up to the full 6 years and up to 18 reduced to € 8.00. Useful to know the number of participants to obtain any reduction leaving an e-mail to marialuisa.mauri @ an SMS to the number of 3481139444 piadineria town of Fano in person or in piadineria being Rainerio 30. NB all those who come with their bikes are required to notify to have guaranteed access to transport treno.ulteriori info to follow.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Male Erection Drawings

ferrara FERRARAfErRaRa

Sunday, May 25 at a train-bike not afford to miss. Marialuisa the mythical and MARIALUISATOUR in the polls that had received the most consensus, will be able to illustrate the journey with expertise dettagli.Qui, only a note of satisfaction and an invitation to participate by giving the accession attrarverso an e-mail address to or by contacting the town via piadineria Rainerio 30, 61032 Fano, Italy Situated in the beautiful old town in a street that runs alongside the Dome of the città.saluti bikegiojosi.