Friday, May 16, 2008

How To Make A Gelatin Animal Cell Project

day 5 - day 4

I wake up more 'later than usual, at 9 and the others are already' standing for a while '. I dressed quickly and I do not have time to update the blog. Out of time and 'even worse with the appearance of a bit of drizzle.
The goal and 'the usual Piccadilly Circus that there are a lot of shops. We are already at 12 'with One for lunch. We're going to try the burgers of All Bar One, which are well done. We separate all four. Among back to work and I'm going to make a trip to Westminster, before going to Victoria to greet Mat and Nic returning to Italy. I have some problems to find the couch station but in the end I can not. The problem 'that it took me a few minutes too and my friends are already' on their way to Stansted. I wanted to say hello, tell him that I was glad to know them. I hope to see them.
A bit dejected, I'm leaving in a cafe ' to enjoy an espresso, which needless to say it was painful to think and what I can do alone.
I go to that museum, perhaps no better than the other. I decided to go to Tottenham by the parties where there is a lane with the most 'high concentration of musical instrument shops in Britain. A real bonanza. Browse a ESP Horizon II (beast), a Music Man John Petrucci (who handle), a vintage fretless JB, a couple of drum machines. I mean something like € 10,000 in total, but just to try. What satisfaction. Aaah.
The tour continues through the libraries of Soho (often supplemented by Sex Shop!) And in what turns out to be the Gay Street.

Blackfriars Among a colleague leaves the company towards more 'attractive and offers to drink at all. I feel a green beer (Ale Stonehenge, well, grass).
swallowed something and then literally run home, throw in a backpack and two shirts I get started in the game of squash (a small childhood dream). In less than 10 minutes I feel more 'legs and I have a knee that is felt instead. Continue for another half hour. We leave the gym at 23:00 and that 'now closed. A huge sports center with 6 squash courts, hockey etc etc.. I would like to see it better (and resent the house in Rome).
Needless to say, I point to the fatigue has knocked out without much thought.


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