Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Enlargement Of The Left Hilum

Change of Season

I decided to make the change of season. I start with the blog that is less strenuous.
Then, sooner or later I'll get to tame even the closets, to box the sweaters and blankets and prepare to die of heat. Already
feels Rome bites you in the throat. The asphalt radiates heat. The cars are still under the sun and seems to suffer, in traffic. If they seem the language of the big dogs looking cool. Instead of drooling, saliva or sweat (at least their horses could) to hunt out dust and fumes. Poisons, which will dry out your throat, make you burn the eyes and darken the sky.

In this time of year I love getting up early, even at 6 am, despite not having anything planned, just to take to the streets. It seems to me to be the only time when the city is still on a human scale. And the light! That light that Rome, until 7:30! Vibrates, is sharp, with its long shadows and still fresh. And 'the light that painters came together to seek the orders of the aristocracy. It is said that that unique light, which smacks of the morning, like when we went on the beach, small, with bucket in hand, at one time held the magic into the evening. Now you can love her only as long as the sky is still blue and people are still eating breakfast.


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