Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Gold And Dusty Rose Wedding

London - London

I wake up calmly. First, I no longer feel his legs, or rather feel very burdened by the night before.
I do a little hard to get back on track, coffee (strictly format mash), shower, etc.. Updating the blog with the two previous days.
In the meantime, it's late and if I see something I'd better let him. I throw in a backpack guides, maps, and Richard Rogers's book I'm interested in the chapter on the pedestrian area of \u200b\u200bTrafalgar Square: my goal is the wonderful National Gallery.
the worst time a little longer.
At 11.00 am already out of Charing Cross, trying to orient myself. But perhaps I'd better go to lunch, so I have the time to document a little. Hamburger Union is not bad but it is heavier than All Bar One. After several gaffes which have left me the embarrassment of one who is a beginner in an unknown country (which is not exactly the case in question), use my share of fat and protein and a little wandering around Trafalgar, taking some pictures (the mythical tree of birds).
I climb the stairs in a crowd in Babylon.
I take the audio guide on voluntary donations. Admission is free. The last time I was here I managed to only see one quarter of the exhibition and I was left totally enamored of the Flemish and German paintings from 1500 to 1600, with its dazzling colors at times. The new goal was to break into masterpieces from 1700 to 1900.

shoes more comfortable than usual, ready smile and go. I spent hours in the most diverse museum's most beloved England without realizing it. A coffee break in one of the expensive new interior and up to 17. Among my favorite (but each canvas on display here has made history): Degas "La Coiffure", Henri ROUSSEAU "Surprised" Villhelm Hammershoi "Interior" and of course the "Wheatfield with Cypresses" by Van Gogh, just to be in a certain kind of painting. But the team was made up by Turner, Manet, Canaletto, Ingres, Cezanne, Seurat, and so on. Very exciting. At 17

course even more pain in my legs respond to the call One of which, for the evening brought a lesson in salsa.
while I wait for him to phone home and Pina (with VoIP). Arrives late and we run the appointment. An hour passes between a teacher and very nice stereotype dell'inglesina with glasses, and a group of bumbling beginners. Eventually there are enough fun to make "push left, push, right, etc.".

Let's go to dinner at the Ethiopian restaurant, but they have no bread. We have to settle for a sad Fried Chicken. A bed that we are tired and waiting for us up early tomorrow.


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